IV Elements — Space

Aline Da Fonte | Our Armistice
2 min readMar 2, 2021

Just landed

Where chemistry
And Gods

We stand, we are
We lay, We roll
In every direction
No reference
We say, we know

Waves come
And go
The satellite
The One

Seventy nine

There’s something inner
about cosmic things
And also something cosmic
about inner topics

Every in is about an out
And I am sorry to say
Every out reflects an in

How many sides?

Right here
If I move
Is it relevant?

Where would I go?
Would I reach stardust?
Would I hit asteroids?
Giving a step
Is traveling in time
Trip is Tic
Tic Tac
Trip Tac

My eyes
Are they ready for the deep dark blue?
With the million white light spots
Small and smaller,
With a little bit of fuchsia blur,
Some violet vapour,
And eternal silence?

Dimensions and proportions
How would I be sure?
Still something is missing…

Give me Space
No, really,
I need space.

Far beyond
But that weird feeling…
The body no
The spirit yes
A different experience in course

A no place
A no time
Tattooing a question mark
On the face of certainty
Of reality
Of rationality

Forget about your map
And the others that came before
Turn them upside down
Make in pieces

Who told us
We had the right
To draw lines on the ground
Fake limits on the sea
Impose obstacles in the mountains
And use rivers as divisions
To declare lands
And territories

There is nothing less natural
Than belonging
Nothing less spatial

After finishing this failed draft
Speeding off to Mars!
I trust in the asteroids
I trust in the arid and hostile
Land and air
In the thin and fragile atmosphere
In the strong UV rays
In the sovereign sun
Always our savior

Step in the corner
Put your toe on the sine
Jump hard the cosine
There is always the tangent
To show you the way out
To free you away from majority
And usually where you should go

My spot?
My body.

The places I stay,
Where I go,
Even if I remain,
It’s just borrowing.
Thank you.

I’m giving back
I’m giving back

Screenshots and data taken from www.poemsbypost.org

*I share the second place with the brilliant musician Jemma Furnival in this art competition promoted by Poems by Post. It was lovely. Thank you very much for recognizing and supporting different kinds of artists and, among them me.



Aline Da Fonte | Our Armistice

Cultural Producer, newbie writer, occasional artist | Produtora cultural, aspirante a escritora, artista de ocasião.